Swapping out grip
no sholder or pistol grips they both would make this a NFA item. This is a unique firearm with a 14″ 12 Gauge barrel and a Shockwave bird's head pistol grip that gives the firearm an overall length of 26.5″. "It is considered a firearm and in that regard
Absolutely do NOT put a buttstock or regular pistol grip on this. It would then be an NFA firearm. If you changed it out it would have to be a pistol grip of the same dimensions to keep the overall length at 26", or more.
this gun is in such a gray area with legality that I suggest being very careful. a sholder stock would turn it into a NFA item but a true pistol grip may make the OAL to short "Read more: ammoland.com/2017/05/mossberg-590-shockwave-firearm/#ixzz581RnleMd
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Hi Jason, It must be a Pistol Grip. Everthing else would become NFA and would need tax stamp.
It has to be a "Pistol" type Grip Jason. No Shoulder Stocks to turn this into an NFA item.