Is this considered a pistol?
According to ATF it is simply a “firearm”. Check out ATF’s letter to Mossberg.
The Shockwave is considered a firearm.
Hi Cliff - due to the fact this was not designed for, and never had a shoulder stock attached, it is in that "never never land" category of just being a "firearm". 21 yrs minimum to purchase. And the NC guys say no permit required. Very popular item these
No it is not the ATF calls it a firearm it has the same age requirement (21) to buy as a pistol. You would not need the PPP I am also a NC resident you should your CHL (concealed handgun license) it makes it so much easier
Clifton, no, it classified as a "Firearm" and not a shotgun, long gun, or pistol. For legality, it carries the same general rules for purchase as a pistol meaning you must be a minimal of 21 years of age to purchase. I am in NC also and a purchase permit