Best Handguns for Black-Tie Events

"Weddings, fundraisers, family dinners, job interviews...from time to time, you have to dress to the nines because you can't wear jeans to a funeral"
-Everyone's mom, probably

If you're a badass, you buy a wardrobe to effectively conceal your everyday-carry hand cannon, but a few times a year, you find yourself wearing a suit and tie or a form-fitting dress, a stark contrast from the jeans, t-shirts and work boots you normally wear, and your usual weapon simply won't work with your outfit.

Concealing a weapon in formal-wear is a unique challenge.  With tucked-in shirts and the like preventing you from using more traditional concealment methods, ankle, shoulder, and thigh holsters tend to become the go-to options.  With concealability being a bigger focus than ammo capacity and ergonomics, your choice in firearms is limited to the sub-compact genre.  

We compiled a list of handguns that we find to be reasonable options for those times that you dress up.  Which guns on this list would you consider?  Help us find the best options by voting up or down on each model.

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